What To Expect When You're Expecting A Teenager (6 part series)
What To Expect When You're Expecting A Teenager (6 part series)
Location: Classes available in Studio City/Beverly Hills/Santa Monica. Please indicate which location you would like to sign up for. You will be notified of the exact address once you register.
Description of Class: Raising a teenage girl is hard but being a teenage girl is even harder. The years between 13-19 are turbulent times. Think sensitivity. Think anxiety. Think moodiness. Now add in the hormone-induced angst of missing out, puberty and defiant behavior. The struggle is real for both mothers and daughters - how do we do a better job of validating their feelings by being sensitive to a huge range of emotions while approaching these concerns with empathy and love? The challenges on the table: self-worth, body image, anxiety/depression, peer pressure, stress, cyber addiction and on again/off again friendships to name a few. Teens need to know they have a voice and it is our jobs as mothers to encourage them to share their viewpoints openly. But it is also our job to protect them and seek truth, acceptance and solid communication so we can effectively advise and offer meaningful solutions. Nothing is worse than a parent who won’t lend a much needed ear except a teenager who refuses to listen. Let’s walk this path together and help one another understand this deeply complex transition of being a teenage girl in 2020.
Cost: $195.00
Moderator: Corey Spiegel / Special Guest
Location: Studio City / Beverly Hills / Santa Monica - February 2019 - Single Class
Description of Class: Talking about our health concerns other than with our doctor may be embarrassing or difficult but what if this topic became empowering and educational? Seeing your doctor is mandatory but we should take comfort in knowing that many women out there share the same struggles and issues on a daily basis. It's bad enough that we have the majors to watch out for (heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, etc.) but what about the other conditions that we suffer, often times in silence - menopause (pre and post), depression, anxiety, inability to sleep, low libidos fuzzy vision. Again communicating with your doctor is mandatory but let's open up the dialogue about home remedies, personal methods for coping with symptoms and changes to nutrition (juices, cleanses, no dairy, gluten free).
Timing: 60 minutes
Cost: $35.00
Moderator: Corey Spiegel